Introductory Post

Hi, My Name is Louis and I am a 17 year old male studying towards my A Levels at the Latymer School, North London. I study History, English and Media.
My Candidate Number is 0131, and I am part of group 5, alongside Josh Brooks (0110), Vivian Oparah (0621) and Sebastian Hodge (0330).
You can use the labels section on the right hand side of the page to easily navigate my blog, with separate sections for AS, A2, Coursework and Preliminary tasks.
Furthermore there is a link to my school's Media Blog Archive on the right, where you can access all other blogs made at The Latymer School.
Thank you for viewing my blog, I hope you enjoy my work.

Our Music Video

Our Music Video

Our Website

Our Website
Our website

Our Digipak Cover

Our Digipak Cover
Our Digipak Cover

Monday 13 October 2014

Production meeting - 13.10/2014

In this meeting, we focused on the storyboard, animatic, publicity shots and flat plans.


- As our storyboard was now complete, we used its structure to begin to compile an animatic- a timeline of images over our cut down 2:57 track
- We used this as a template to then contrast the archive (VHS) footage we had already shot with the music, and after adjusting minor issues such as the placement of the climax in time with the musical climax, our narrative was finalised.
- The scenarios are listed below:

1)Party  -Laughing/Dancing/Drinking/ First Kiss

 2)Happy Relationship  -At the park/ At home messing around/ On the street walking together/ Brithday celebrations smiling and laughing/ Days out in iconic London Locations/ Shopping

3)Relationship Breakdown  -Same locations as before, just not quite the same feeling of happiness -Louis uninterested, pushes Gina away -Small aruments and Louis goes off with his friends

4)Breakup  - Louis Dumps Gina- she is crying, shouting and leaves the room - She begins to throw stuff at him (his belongings) _ Louis slams the front door as he leaves - Closing shot of Gina crying on her bed


- As our storyboard was now complete, we used its structure to begin to compile an animatic- a timeline of images over our cut down 2:57 track
- We used this as a template to then contrast the archive (VHS) footage we had already shot with the music, and after adjusting minor issues such as the placement of the climax in time with the musical climax, our narrative was finalised.


- We now have a first draft for or stdio shootboard, although we are aware that this will most likely change after the group animatic review with our teacher

- Also, now that we know which location/ archive shots we need, we must work out when and where we shall shoot them- meaning that recces should be done soon

- Promo shots planned and some sketches/ mockups created, but should be developed before the shoot days.

- Started Album Cover flat plans- set up page and have started designing, as well as creating graphics on photoshop

- Screenshots need to be taken to record progress in designing the site and for later reference

- Designs shortlist cut down to 2 final ideas- same shot and location but minor costume/ stylistic variationsHowever, we are still contemplating other ideas, so shall create more detailed mockups on photoshop and take a second look

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