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Hi, My Name is Louis and I am a 17 year old male studying towards my A Levels at the Latymer School, North London. I study History, English and Media.
My Candidate Number is 0131, and I am part of group 5, alongside Josh Brooks (0110), Vivian Oparah (0621) and Sebastian Hodge (0330).
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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sweded Homework


                             Sweded Films

The word swede is the nickname given to short, low budget spoof remakes of Hollywood films which have been posted online. The term comes from its reference in the 2008 film 'Be Kind, Rewind' as it was used by the main character Mike, played by Jack Black, to describe the amateur interpretations of blockbusters they had mad to prevent losing sales in the video store they worked in after losing all footage. After the film, many viewers were inspired to film their own attempts of sweded films, and post them online, with the concept going viral. Many of these short films use very little technology and props, resulting in amateur footage which is very comedic.

Below are my personal Favourite Sweded films:

Jurassic Park

Taxi Driver

 For my own group's sweded movie, I would like to recreate a version of the recent Hollywood blockbuster Django Unchained, as I believe that it will be reasonably easily achievable to produce in school, as not much scenery is necessary, and puppets and Lego can be used as animals and characters. Also it would be recent and funny, sand we could ask others to act in our film.

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