Introductory Post

Hi, My Name is Louis and I am a 17 year old male studying towards my A Levels at the Latymer School, North London. I study History, English and Media.
My Candidate Number is 0131, and I am part of group 5, alongside Josh Brooks (0110), Vivian Oparah (0621) and Sebastian Hodge (0330).
You can use the labels section on the right hand side of the page to easily navigate my blog, with separate sections for AS, A2, Coursework and Preliminary tasks.
Furthermore there is a link to my school's Media Blog Archive on the right, where you can access all other blogs made at The Latymer School.
Thank you for viewing my blog, I hope you enjoy my work.

Our Music Video

Our Music Video

Our Website

Our Website
Our website

Our Digipak Cover

Our Digipak Cover
Our Digipak Cover

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


The first decision which we made as a group was deciding on an audience to target with our music video- we combined all of our research and ideas to come up with the following audiences:

- We decided that our primary audience should be those who's are fans of the Electronic/ alternative genre, mainly due to the fact that this genre is currently quite quiet within the charts, therefore is arguably a gap in the market in terms of maximisation of reach. Although quite niche, it is particularly popular within the UK and specifically London so we feel that we can still gain a lot of popularity within the community.

Primary audience

- As a secondary audience, we picked out people aged fro  their late- teens to mid twenties, as this is generally the predominant age group for listeners of both the electronic and indie genres, therefore we should use them as a model age group in order to guarantee audience consumption.
Secondary audience

- Our Tertiary Audience are of a slightly older age group- ageing from mid 30's to early 40's, hoping to appeal to a more niche audience, however, as a group we feel that the song choice is not too overwhelming for the older listener, and they could relate to the images of youth portrayed in the video in a sense of nostalgia.

Tertiary Audience

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