I am the guitarist for the car scene. I represent the guitarist Adam Hann, during the scene, he and the band remain out of focus, behind the lead Matt, however, my role requires me to actively present a convincing performance as that of a guitarist within a band- both playing and moving on set.
What does the performance actually consist of?
AS the guitarist during the car crash scene, i perform with the band, out of focus behind the lead singer, until he hangs up his guitar and we come into focus as the dead girl is dragged offstage. My role consists of both pretending to enthusiastically play the guitar whilst also providing a convincing dance and acting to display the guitarist's part-enthusiastic, part-unenthusiastic attitude.
Is this a challenge for you?
I think that performing the sequence will not be too challenging as I have had time to practice and prepare myself for the role as as well as performing alongside other band members in the scene. However, I feel that I may find it quite challenging to perform a realistic and believable performance with the guitar, as I have had no previous experience with handling one, however, by studying the movements of Adam, I feel I will be able to improve on this.
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