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Hi, My Name is Louis and I am a 17 year old male studying towards my A Levels at the Latymer School, North London. I study History, English and Media.
My Candidate Number is 0131, and I am part of group 5, alongside Josh Brooks (0110), Vivian Oparah (0621) and Sebastian Hodge (0330).
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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Evaluation- 3. Are you pleased with the footage and your edit? Is it how you expected it to look?

When first viewing back the video footage, I was genuinely shocked by the high level of quality and how similar the production was to the original video, this meant that the final edited project, with the help of minor colour correction and grading within Premiere Pro, a professional looking remake was created.In the shots which were not possible for us to recreate, the alternatives improvised by the team were just as effective- meaning that the differences were so minor that they became almost unnoticeable. 
Setting up for the yellow scenes

Graded shot and original- less orange and brighter

Considering the low budget of our production, the video and lighting quality was amazing- however there were a few minor differences noticeable in playback- such as the lighting on Kayvon's face was not bright enough, meaning that he came across as too orange, similarly the car crash scene appears noncontinuous without an actual car. However, as the picture below shows, with grading we were able to make Kayvon's colour similar to that of Matt's using grading tools, increasing the similarity.

Using Proc Amp and the 3 way colour corrector to grade shots professionally

However, the use of a bike instead of a car was due to the fact that we could not fit a car inside the studio, therefore taking this into consideration, or edit was almost identical to the original, with the improvised scenes containing the bike creating an entertaining, similar narrative and upholding the professional standard of the video.

Deliberate alternative: Using a bike instead of a car

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