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Hi, My Name is Louis and I am a 17 year old male studying towards my A Levels at the Latymer School, North London. I study History, English and Media.
My Candidate Number is 0131, and I am part of group 5, alongside Josh Brooks (0110), Vivian Oparah (0621) and Sebastian Hodge (0330).
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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Evaluation- 1. Did you enjoy the workshop day? What were your best bits and why?

I really enjoyed the workshop day as a whole due to the fact that it provided a realistic, yet fun and friendly insight into the media industry and showed me the various processes involved in a professional video shoot.AS Director, Dom made it clear what he wanted of us over the day, just as he would direct a shoot in his workplace.

The camera setup for the yellow shots

Spending much of the day spectating the shoot and helping move props on and off of set, I was amazed by how the scene within the set is transformed by camera angles and lighting- creating on-screen visuals very similar to the original video, which I did not expect from such a small scale operation.

This shows our video ( the larger one) against the original

My favourite experience of the workshop was when I spent time in the Gallery, watching Nico control the sound and lighting using the control panels and connected computers. I enjoyed learning how to use the controls in order to quickly change sound levels and flick between lighting presets for the specific sets- this was also great preparation for my actual video, when I will be personally controlling the sound and lighting at one point.

The Gallery  and computer setup within the Studio

Using the sound desk I was able to control the lighting setup, both alternating between preset settings and colours and also triggering individual lights and opening and closing the blinds.

An example of the set and lighting for a particular scene
I also really enjoyed being part of the performance in front of the camera, and I really feel that the experience has boosted my confidence onscreen, and I am looking forward to performing properly in my own music video.

Overall, the workshop was an intense, yet highly rewarding and enjoyable experience- by taking an active role, I have had a great experience of what it is like on set during a professional shoot, with the relaxed atmosphere of a friendly, highly skilled team.

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