Before deciding on our own artist and genre, we needed to have an idea as to what styles of music and specific artists different age groups and gender listen to.
By creating a music-based survey, I was able to ask family and friends various simple questions regarding their consumption of music in order to establish which sort of audience I would like to target my video at, and which genres appeal more to specific gender /age groups.
Here are some of the results:
From analysing the results of the survey, I have noticed that its is generally the younger audience who consume pop music and follow the charts, however, older teenagers- such as the 17 year old male below begin to form a more unique and personal taste as they grow up.
Regarding genre, it is evident that younger audiences are more interested in dance and electronic music- shown by the 26 year old male below, after all they are generally the age group who go to clubs and live music concerts.
Finally, when considering how people discover and consume music, their is a general pattern between younger audiences using the internet and older audiences using radio and purchasing CD's, however, this is also contradicted in the survey below of the 47 year old female, as she said that she used spotify and other means of downloading- torrenting (illegal peer to peer) to obtain her music.
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